Bruit Lab 065 – The Wolfman (1930-2014)

Un omaggio sentitissimo all'”uomo lupo” Robert Ashley, scomparso il 3 marzo di quest’anno. Trenta minuti dedicati al compositore americano che per primo ha esplorato le potenzialit? del feedback, della psicoacustica e del potere del linguaggio.

00’00” – 00’07”: Sigla Bruit Lab

00’04” – 03’51”: Purposeful Lady Slow Afternoon (1972) (excerpt) (Voices: Barbara Lloyd, Mary Ashley, Mary Lucier, Cynthia Liddell)
da “Sonic Arts Union ?- Electric Sound” (1972, Mainstream)

03’37” – 07’30”: In Sara, Mencken, Christ And Beethoven There Were Men And Women (Part I) (1972) (excerpt) (Moog: Paul DeMarinis)
da “In Sara, Mencken, Christ And Beethoven There Were Men And Women” (1974, Cramps)

07’17” – 10’20”: Interiors With Flash (Live at Mills College, Oakland, California, May 14, 1978) (1978)
da “Various Artists – Big Ego” (1978, Giorno Poetry Systems)

10’09” – 16’16”: The Wolfman (For tape, voice and feedback) (1964) (excerpt)
da “Wolfman” (2003, Alga Marghen)

15’56” – 21’09”: Flying Saucer Dialogue (from “Atalanta (Acts of God)”) (1985)  (excerpt)
da “Various  Artists – Music From Mills (1986, Mills College)

20’53” – 25’55”: Practical Anarchism (excerpt) (2001)
da “Robert Ashley & Walter Marchetti ?? October 25, 2001 Merkin Concert Hall NYC” (2007, Choose)

25’23” – 30’00”: The Fox (For electronic music and voice) (1957) (excerpt)
da “Wolfman” (2003, Alga Marghen)

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